This past winter, we spent a few joyful days recording traditional and original American fiddle music with our stringband quartet – Bowhunter. Sam Cooper and Sam Herman, fellow Michiganders, lend their fiddle and banjo to complete this four piece dance band. From those sessions emmerged fresh arrangements of old chestnut tunes, debut recordings of some new instrumental compositions, and a lot of laughter and joy. The album was recorded live, and there are a few tracks during which band-mates had to switch instruments mid-song that the careful listener can try and pick out.
In the spirit of the sessions, we also included some commentary and joke telling, that hopefully can help you feel like you were there with us. If you’re into the most traditional corners of Red Tail Ring, you’ll truly enjoy this rare release, the first 500 copies of which are hand screenprinted and letterpressed by Laurel Premo.
Posted 8/8/14